Specialised Support Care

At No More Fake Smiles, we understand that every person's journey is unique. That's why we offer a comprehensive victim-first support community to assist individuals at any stage—before, during, and after criminal proceedings.

💚 Guidance on Reporting Options:

We provide victims with guidance on their reporting options, helping them understand their rights to make informed choices.

💚 Support Throughout Criminal Proceedings:

We walk alongside victims every step of the way during criminal proceedings, ensuring they feel seen, heard, and validated.

💚 Assistance with Victim Impact Statements:

We help victims ensure their victim impact statement is delivered in the manner they desire, empowering them to share their experiences and feelings.

💚 Support After Proceedings:

We ensure victims have the support they need in the days following the conclusion of criminal proceedings, offering guidance and assistance as they navigate their next steps.

What We Provide:

NMFS is the safe space Annie dreamt of finding throughout her years of abuse…

The fear of not being believed is the number one reason children do not speak up about being abused. Speaking up can help or hinder recovery depending on the reaction received. Sadly our experience and research shows that 73% of victims that speak up receive a negative reaction and the numbers are higher for those that speak up to a family member at 87%.

Support has four major dimensions - believing the child, protecting the child, emotionally supporting the child and obtaining resources for the child.